Backyard Wonderland: Creating a Kids Play Space In Your BackyardBackyard Wonderland: Creating a Kids Play Space In Your Backyard

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Backyard Wonderland: Creating a Kids Play Space In Your Backyard

Having children made me look at my home's backyard from a whole new perspective. As my little ones started walking, I began to see how I could turn my backyard into a playground that was safe and secure for them to play. After spending a lot of time researching the safety and stability of the play structures and materials that were out there, I built a play area that's secure and fun for my kids. I created this site to share all of the ideas that I had as well as some other things I've found over the years to help other parents create the perfect play space to bring the family together at home.

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When Choosing Between Granite And Cambria: Choose Cambria

If you are getting quotes to put new countertops in your home, you have probably noticed that there are tons of different options, all with different price points. One common choice in the world today is to replace your old laminate countertops with stone countertops. This can greatly improve the resale value of your home, since the kitchen is a selling point that most people value highly. One of the most common types of stone that people put in these days is granite. If you are not interested in granite, you can look for quartz, which you can often find under the brand name Cambria. It is a shame that more people are not aware of quartz because it is such a high-quality stone that has many benefits when compared to granite. Some of these benefits are as follows.

Low Maintenance

One of the main reasons why people struggle with granite is because of how high maintenance the stone is. For example, granite must be sealed every year to keep it from getting permanently stained, and then it still requires polishing every few weeks to keep it shiny. Some people think that this is a necessary cost of having a good-looking stone in their home, but this is simply false. Cambria countertops offer all of the beauty of granite without the hassle of the upkeep. 

Strong and Long Lasting

Even with all of the maintenance that granite requires, it can still be damaged. While it is hard, it can still be scratched or chipped, leaving visible scars and lowering the value of the stone. Fortunately, Cambria is even stronger than granite, making it much less likely to get chipped, scratched, or damaged. That means that installing Cambria stone in your home will allow you to retain value in your kitchen, washroom, or bathroom (wherever your countertop is located) for years to come. 

Natural Stone

While quartz can be found naturally, quartz countertops are man-made. Granite is made up of about half quartz, giving it its strength, but also its weakness and ability to be chipped. Cambria is almost 100% natural quartz, which gives homeowners both the strength of quartz while offering the unique beauty of the natural stone. If you are going for a special, yet durable look for your countertops, choose Cambria stone. 

In conclusion, talk to a local quarry or get a quote on Cambria stone. You will never regret the decision, since it will last forever. Contact a company like Old World Stone to learn more.